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The Difference Between Separating and Non-Separating Zippers
Wondering what the difference is between the two? Let's take a look:

Separating (Open Bottom/Jacket Style):
One end of the zipper has a insertion pin and retainer box system. They are machine-made only, and therefore can be harder to find/more pricey than closed bottom zippers.
-Often used on: Jackets, Coats, etc.
-Separating Zippers CANNOT be made out of by the yard!
-Usually come in: Metal, Coil, Plastic Molded
Non-Separating (Closed Bottom/Purse Style):
The bottoms of these zippers are closed with a stopper to prevent from separating.
- Often used on: dresses, pants, pillows, seat cushions, skirts, etc.
-Non-Separating Zippers CAN be made out of by the yard!
-Comes in- Metal, Coil, Invisible, Plastic Molded
Things to keep in mind:
-When measuring a zipper, the measurement is taken from the space between the zipper stops. Try to purchase a zipper that is a bit longer than you require, as it is always possible to shorten.
-Coil and invisible zippers can be sewn over to shorten, even with a sewing machine! However, metal and plastic zippers must be shortened using special tools.
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